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I give Because…
no child should be hungry

We LIVE here. We GIVE here. It STAYS here.

When you give to the CentraCare United Way Campaign, your gift benefits the community where you live. Click on the links below to learn about the amazing programs and partners that support people in need right here in our own communities. The United Way focuses on Education, Health, Family Financial Stability, and the Community Safety Net.

Photo of a Black child with backpack

Books! Last year we helped so many children prepare for kindergarten by donating 29,032 books. Education is a major focus. So is investing in our kids.

Photo of a mother holding a baby

There are times in some families’ lives when there is an urgent need for safety. Our donations support families in crisis — from emergency shelters to transitional housing.

Photo of a young girl with her happy face poking out of a child's teepee

A child’s happiness and well being can be supported through child and family therapy. Last year we were able to provide 409 hours of therapy support to families in need.

Photo of a father and young baby sleeping

We’ve all learned in the last year how unpredictable life can be. Our donations support financial stability for families. Last year, we provided 8,798 hours of financial education.

Photo of a young boy with very big eyes

Health is a major focus and a natural partnership between CentraCare and the United Way. From health screenings for kids to nourishing seniors, our gifts make a difference.

Photo of mother with young son making breakfast

Strengthening families, providing a safety net, and supporting kids…these are the ways that our gifts make an impact through the United Way and local partners.

Give Because…

Illustration depicting students without homes

In healthcare, we give care all day long. And yet there is more need in our communities than we can provide. That’s why we partner with the United Way every year. Our gifts to the United Way benefit our local chapters and the people in our communities who need something we can’t give in healthcare.

It might be a hot meal for kids. Or maybe shelter for a whole family. Even books to stimulate a child’s curiosity. Sometimes it’s education for parents about how to create financial stability.

The United Way creates a community safety net. Together with local non-profit organizations, they provide food, shelter, and education for children and families in our towns. And the need right now is great. While we’ve been caring for patients during the pandemic, some families continue to face hardship that isn’t health related.

It’s Easy to Give

Donate and you can specify which local United Way chapter receives your gift. That’s a way to keep your gift in your local community. Click on the United Way links above to see the amazing programs your donation will support. Then donate now. You are guaranteed to make a child and a family’s life better.

The Impact Is Personal

Give a dollar—just a dollar!—and you buy a hungry child a meal at a local Boys and Girls Club. $10 = 10 Meals.

Skip a coffee and instead donate $5 and you will provide two hours of Emergency Child Care for a family.

If you give $20 online, you’ll provide one night of sleep in a warm bed at an emergency shelter.

You can do so much good without any effort at all. Your donation will fund a program that will provide a direct and personal benefit to a family in your community.

Graphic illustrating that 13 families were turned away from shelters on 10.1.21

Your donation will make the life of a child or a family better. And you can feel good that someone else with a heart much like you is helping people in need — people you may never see or may never know, but are living right here in your community. Kids. Moms. Dads. Families.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does United Way invest my gift?

Each year, trained volunteers work with United Way staff to carefully review the management and effectiveness of the programs they partner with in Central Minnesota, West Central Minnesota, Wright County and Todd County serviced by Douglas and Pope Counties. They use this information to determine funding levels. This information is focused on results. The four key factors in these results include:

  • Program accountability
  • Demonstrated lasting change in people’s lives
  • Efficiently and effectively run programs
  • Programs that are responsive to changing community needs

Will my hometown benefit?

Wherever you live, you can be certain that people from your community are benefiting from United Way. Your family, friends and neighbors are utilizing United Way services and partner programs, and working together to address the root causes of issues to strengthen the 29 communities that make up United Way of Central Minnesota’s service area, the five communities that make up United Way of West Central Minnesota, the four communities that make up Wright County Area and the 14 communities that make up United Way of Douglas & Pope Counties servicing Todd County.

Will United Way allow me to give directly to my favorite agency?

Yes. United Way honors designations made to local partners and any 501(c)3 organization. Please take a moment to consider the powerful impact of your gift when surrounding an issue with support from more than one program.

What if I can’t afford to give?

Giving a small amount each pay period through payroll deduction can create a measurable difference in someone’s life. Even a small contribution will help someone who might otherwise not receive help. See What a Dollar Buys.

Don’t my taxes take care of the less fortunate?

Taxes do support some health and human services, primarily through public assistance programs. But tax dollars can’t do it all. United Way supports strategies to increase economic self-sufficiency of families and individuals in the community. The result is fewer people need long-term public assistance.

Doesn’t CentraCare always make its goal without me?

CentraCare has missed its United Way fundraising and participation goals for several years. If everyone would give just a little bit, it would make a huge difference in someone’s life. Be the one for some child.

How is my support of the United Way Campaign different than CentraCare Foundation’s Employee Campaign?

Each April, the CentraCare Health Foundation asks CentraCare Health employees to make a contribution to help fund items and programs that comfort our patients and their families — beyond what is reimbursed by insurance. This support demonstrates to the community that our employees not only deliver superior care but believe in enhancing our patients’ care through their gifts. This campaign is led by Foundation staff along with representatives from throughout the health system.

Each October, CentraCare employees are asked to make a contribution to the United Way campaign to support community services dedicated to addressing our community’s most critical human service issues. The United Way directs your charitable donations to address community needs and connects resources to create community-wide solutions. This campaign is led by Human Resources staff along with representatives from throughout the health system.

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